Getting started

I've been kicking around the idea of starting a blog for a few years. I don't see it having any intrinsic value, so it's really just personal. Most of it will be factual, my horrific memory will probably lead me to inaccuracy. Names will be altered to protect the innocent...and guilty. The time line will be a bit off to be sure. I am going to do my best to account for the last 4 years of my life, as it relates to men...and women. This will not be for the faint of heart. My main topic will be my "adult" interactions with people. Not just sexual, but quite a bit of that. I will swear, probably quite a bit. So consider yourself warned. If you're offend by anything I write, you are welcome to fuck right off.

We will begin at...the start of my second act. I was newly divorced, having severed myself from a marriage which had slowly been suffocating me. I chose a narcissist to marry, probably before I even knew the meaning of the word. In hindsight I fell into my childhood desire to be "good enough" and "praised" by someone who I thought I loved and didn't seem to return my affection. I was young (not so young) but inexperienced in adult relationships. I was tired of being alone and felt it was time to "settle down". From those few sentences one can surmise the story of those 16 odd years. It is not interesting one, only heartbreaking because it was a tragic waste...of a life. And I should have known better. And yes, there are a few people who can look me in the eye and say, "I told you so."

So divorced, childless, fairly young, and still fucking hot, I entered... The Swiping Game.


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